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Set Height of Slide Out Panel (SOP)
The default height of the SOP panel is 100% of the browser window. You can over-ride this by setting a different height that is less than 100%. Add this style rule to the SOP style sheet. It uses the SOP id so that it over-rides the default width:
#p7SOP_1 {
height: 70%;
The height of the SOP will now be 70% of the browser window.
You can also add a top position to this rule if you want the (now shortend) SOP to be centered vertically. Just set the top position to 15% (one half of 30%) so the rule now looks like this:
#p7SOP_1 {
height: 70%;
top: 15%;

Note that you cannot, and should not, set the height greater than the height of the browser window. This will prevent full access to all of the overflowed content.

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